Here is the PDF of the uniform order: 1020.34H, last updated in 2018. Since then several Marine Corps Uniform Boards (MCUBs) have convened and several MARADMINS have been published. Most significantly, the hair regulations for female Marines has changed. (see below)
Positioning the Ribbons and Badges on Service and Blue Dress Uniforms
Start by aligning the thickest badge, the rifle shooting badge, ⅛ inch up from the pocket.
When two badges are worn, they are symmetrically placed on a line with about 3/4 inch space between holding bars. 1/4 inch spacing if three badges.
Align the skinnier pistol badge with the top of the rifle's holding bar.
This may cause the pistol badge holding bar to be greater than ⅛ inch from the pocket.
Align the ribbon rack ⅛ inch above both badges.
Center the breast insignia 1/8 inch over the top ribbon
Most Common Uniform Questions
Updated Female Hair Regulations

Short hair length for female Marines: twists are authorized for short hair (in all uniforms).
Medium hair length for female Marines: medium length hair is defined as hair that does not extend beyond 2 inches below the base of the collar’s lower edge; however hair length must not obscure the collar rank insignia. One unsecured half ponytail or up to two unsecured half braids (unsecured in this context is defined as hair on the crest / crown of the head is pulled back into a ponytail or braid(s) and the rest of the hair is left to fall naturally) that provides a neat and professional military appearance are authorized for medium hair length with the MCCUUs, flight suit, or physical training (PT) uniforms only. Half ponytails / braids must be secured over the crest of the head but no lower than the crown of the head with a ponytail holder that is consistent with the hair color, and cannot extend beyond 2 inches below the base of the collar’s lower edge or interfere with the proper wear of any headgear.
Long hair length for female Marines: long hair is defined as hair that extends beyond 2 inches below the base of the collar’s lower edge. Long hair will be secured up so that it does not extend beyond 2 inches below the base of the collar’s lower edge, except when authorized in the physical training uniform.
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Located in Jacksonville, NC home of Camp Lejeune and MCAS New River
USMC Uniform Guide
Jacksonville, North Carolina, United States